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Messages - FluteJester

Pages: [1]
Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: New Class Ideas
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:05:45 AM »
From reading this Editor Guide:

I see that we can make entire new enemies with custom sprites and set their health, speed, attacks, etc.
I also see that we can tweak existing class stats and upgrades through vendor.

I'm not fluent in programming or coding, but I imagine wouldn't they create both monsters and the heroes the same way in the code due to many overlapping traits such as health, attack, speed, etc? Kind of like square is rectangle but rectangle isn't square thing, where they both stem from a parent "Unit" class yet are treated slightly differently in code.

I could just be stupid and way over simplifying how coding works, sorry if I sound like that.

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: New Class Ideas
« on: August 28, 2014, 11:14:56 PM »
Do you know if they plan to expand the Editor to allow custom classes?

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: New Class Ideas
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:29:12 PM »
Ah sorry, I must have accidentally skipped lines when reading and related the radius upgrade of the attack boost with the healing spell.

Your classes sounds pretty fun to me, is this for a custom campaign you're working on or just suggestions for future content?

Would you allow someone to create these classes for public use? (I've been meaning to learn the Editor when I get time, no promises I'm any good though.)

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: New Class Ideas
« on: August 28, 2014, 05:05:04 PM »
I don't think the range upgrade of the Health Song would be very useful. You could easily just tell everyone to crowd around you then cast it.
Bard Tornado should actively seek enemies and or spawners, with how big the floors are, it seems silly if you were to cast it after half the floor was clear and for the tornado to just wander around aimlessly in the cleared zones.

Spell Sword
Basic Mana steal chance way too low in my opinion, compared to the Warlock's passive.
Is he rooted when casting discharge? I see people playing Mage cast Meteor and die together with all the mobs because they're rooted while casting without invul frames and then get one shot by rushing mobs.
Can fire and ice enchantment be stacked together?
Does casting spells one after another stack the healing from arcane euphoria?

The Gladiator
Ax Throw seems to be a mob clear ability, but I feel like its entirely possible to straight up kill yourself depending on how damage is calculated. With damage maxed out at 300, say you hit an enemy with 10 hp and kill it. Do you take 20% of 10 damage or 20% of 300(oops edit) damage?

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