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Messages - Ilmion

Pages: [1]
Editor Discussion / Newer asset with old version 120
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:49:31 PM »
Here is my situation :
I work on my map on my main PC, a desktop at home and while commuting on the train, I work on my laptop. On my laptop, I have the problem describe here and I had to revert to the old version.
Making my map at home, I used an asset from the temple of the sun campaign, the stone bridge. When I load that map on my laptop, the bridge is not there.
I extracted the asset from the newer version in the editor folder of the old version, but even if the file for the new assets are there, they do not load in the editor.

Is there something I can do about that ?

Editor Discussion / ScriptLink usage
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:29:14 PM »
I'm interested to know the usage of the ScriptLink.
I have joint image of usage I have found in the HammerWatch campaign.

Example 1 :
I understand that the usage here is that the random script will do one of the three outcome and the ScriptLink regroup multiple script for on outcome.
But, could we bypass the use of the ScriptLink by simply chaining the other script ?

Example 2 :
This one I do not understand. Do the ScriptLink add something that simply linking the CheckGlobalFlag to the ChangeDoodadState would not do ?

I have also seen numerous example where one script, let say GlobalEvent (LevelStart), fire multiple script around the map. And le ScriptLink regroup script in one particular section of the map.

I'm in the impression that the ScriptLink usage is to regroup script together, not much ?

Example Demo :
What is the best practice A, B or C ?

Editor Discussion / Re: Help with custom defense map
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:57:13 PM »
I can help you get the answer by yourself (give a man a fish...)

Go in the items folder of the editor, search for the chest_*.xml file. Those are the definition of the chests.
In those file there is the list of the loot it can drop.
You might want to know what it better a diamon or a red diamond. As for the chest, look for the valuable_diamond.xml and the valuable_diamond_red.xml files and in it, you'll see the amount of money they represent.

(I think you should have started a new topic)

Editor Discussion / Re: Precise positionning of doodads
« on: March 25, 2015, 07:29:50 PM »
Thank you, that did the trick.

Editor Discussion / Re: Precise positionning of doodads
« on: March 25, 2015, 10:40:46 AM »
I have the same problem using the exit_teleport_boss_desert sprite and the boss_lock_1_small sprite.
In the attached image, example.png, you can see on the left the positioning I get with the editor. In which I am not able to put the lock completely in the yellowish circle. On the left, the positioning I want to achieve.

I have also attached my sprite which is basically a reskin of sort of the exit_teleport_boss_desert. The A are the place where I put the small lock doodad over.
The xml definition is a copy and paste of the exit_teleport_boss_desert one.

Edit : For the sake of putting everything here, I have also attached my lock sprite. They are made to spell"Alexandre" which is the name of my kid for whom I am making this little campaign and by the way learning my way around the map editing.

Editor Discussion / Precise positionning of doodads
« on: March 25, 2015, 02:42:40 AM »
I'm making a custom doodad similar to exit_teleport_boss_desert, so I'll use it has an example. I want to put my custom lock on it (which are the same size has the normal one. ie : boss_lock.png)
When I want to align the lock on the exit_teleport_boss_desert doodad, some lock do not align. Even at 1/8 grid size and at this point unchecking doesn't seem to let me move the lock doodad more freely.

I experimented a little and quickly found out that one "pixel" had a 0.125 increment in the vector positioning in the level xml. And has a matter of fact, when I change the position manually in the level xml, I can get the lock doodad in the right position. Which give something like : <vec2 name="pos">-9.9375 31.1875</vec2>

Here is the question (my first one here and my forst post) : Is the a better way to do it ? A way that would be in the editor ? Because if I move the doodad by accident in the editor, I have to move it manually again. It is not a big pain to do it manually because for now I only have this one case, but I'm curious.


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