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Messages - Chumble

Pages: [1]
Editor Discussion / Stopping music?
« on: October 29, 2013, 08:54:48 PM »
So I had this big scene set up where you load into silence, perform a few actions, then the music kicks in and you're in the heat of it. When I went to test this with a friend, I found loading the map from the normal method (not just running a test in the editor), the music from the menus carried over to the game.

I can't seem to stop the music. I can play new music.. I can stop sounds.. but I can't stop music. Is this possible or do I just have to deal with it?


Editor Discussion / Re: MoveAI and Path Nodes
« on: October 22, 2013, 03:45:25 PM »
It will, if while you're selecting that node you right-click on the spawn object and choose 'last spawned' or somethign to that effect. It's the only option when right-clicking the spawn object script node. So you CAN select creatures with scripts that are spawned in this way.

Wow, I had no idea that existed. Would this work for "DeleteObject" as well (for deleting objects created with the SpawnObject)?

Thanks for that.

One amendment to the first question .. what does the "+" mean on the object button? If I select one object, it says "1+0".

As far as the selecting across multiple layers, it wouldn't be so bad but when you copy scripts that have links/connections to doodads/objects, the pasted scripts will still connect to the original objects. Very annoying to need to remove those. Oh well. Editor is still lots of fun :)

Let's say you have a ToggleElement and a TimerTrigger script. You want the ToggleElement to affect the TimerTrigger turning it on. Select the "ToggleElement" and press the "Object" button. This will put the green border around your map and let you know you're now selecting objects to be affected by the ToggleElement. You select the TimerTrigger but also accidentally select one other thing.

Is there any way to remove links of this type? In other script connections (done with ctrl+alt+left click) you can simply repeat the process and it will remove it... but this doesn't work for the other type.

My other question, is there any way to select across multiple layers? If I have a torch doodad, a wall, and a script that makes it so the torch lights up when you get near it, can I copy this whole setup in one go or do I need to do it piece by piece and re-assign the scripts to point to the objects?

Editor Discussion / Re: MoveAI and Path Nodes
« on: October 22, 2013, 03:07:50 PM »
From what I have gathered, you can't apply the MoveAI to creatures spawned with the SpawnObject. I don't believe it will allow you to set the SpawnObject script as the "entity" for the MoveAI.

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