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Messages - MCBanjoMike

Pages: [1]
Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Questions from a new player
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:03:58 PM »
Thanks for the responses, Hipshot and sonicmega. Glad to see that you can resume online games. I take it that you can have several games on the go, both local and online?

#Personally I don't like inf-lives and wouldn't mind changing that to like x5 lives or so, but I don't know what other people think and what the rest of the dev team thinks about that. I dislike it for the same reason you just mentioned, takes out the tension, but it might still be to hard with just the regular lives. Maybe we can add another option for it.

I wasn't thinking you should remove the infinite lives option, rather just add in a few other options at 2x/3x/4x, however many you like. From the sounds of sonicmega's post, if we got a bit better at the game then running out of lives might not be an issue. But for now we're a bunch of scrubs, and I know my friends were somewhat discouraged when we died and lost all our progress. Starting off with a bonus would make it easier for me to convince them to come back and play some more, since we'd have a reasonable chance of making it to the end. Anyway, I hope they'll want to play again, because I enjoyed the game a lot and I'd like to play some more soon, but I'm not terribly interested in playing solo.

Hammerwatch Discussion / Questions from a new player
« on: December 02, 2013, 05:44:34 PM »
Hey there, I played Hammerwatch for the first time last night and had a lot of fun, but was also left scratching my head a few times. The game doesn't seem to have a manual (bought it on Steam), and there are some basic questions that I was hoping I could get the answers to:

1. How do you suspend an online multiplayer game and pick it up later?

2. What are the benefits of being in Combo mode, assuming you haven't bought any upgrades past the first one?

And this is more of a development question, but:

3. Are you considering adding any more options to the cheat menu? We found the game to be pretty tough in our first few tries, but options like double damage and infinite lives seem to go too far in making things easier. Would you consider adding something like 2x/3x/4x lives, so that we can start with a handicap and work our way down to playing legit as we get better? Infinite lives takes all of the tension out of playing, but having to restart every time we wipe is kind of discouraging. Alternately, a mode where you get a fixed number of lives on every floor or dungeon section would be nice, where wiping brings you back to your save rather than the main menu of the game. Maybe there's a way to pick up a saved game and try an area again, but I couldn't find it in the menus.  :P

Anyway, great work on the game, it looks and plays great. I've mostly been playing the Wizard so far, which is lots of fun, although he's pretty damn squishy. Wouldn't bother me so much if those damned tentacle monsters didn't have such huge range...

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