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Messages - admalledd

Pages: [1]
Editor Discussion / Re: Map unpacker
« on: July 06, 2014, 03:30:09 AM »
You need to install libsdl2. Depending on your distro the commands are different,for me (currently ubuntu 14.04 custom) it was "sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0". (if you are not a debian-stable (or higher) based distribution, let me know and I can look up the command and version info for you)

Editor Discussion / Re: Map unpacker
« on: July 06, 2014, 02:52:02 AM »
Just confirming, yes installing mono-complete and libsdl2 then just running "mono .local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Hammerwatch/editor/HammerEditor.exe" (or whatever the path is for your copy) to launch the map editor. Works fine here.

Editor Discussion / Re: Map unpacker
« on: March 13, 2014, 07:25:08 AM »
Thanks! Because of how close I was, just for the fun of it I finished the unpacker (and won't release it as was asked though). Considering you posted the raw code I thought it would be fun to at least finish my work and have those also converted. For anyone who wants to play around with the decompresser I wrote in python for the binary stream I have put it here on Fair warning that its not recurse-safe and probably never will be. (your data structure uses nesting and I don't bother to prevent recursion issues. never had one be to large yet.)

Not going to bother with a compressor unless asked (and really anyone who knows enough code to use should be able to add it easily...)

Its been far too long since I reverse engineered something! I was actually a little ways into figuring it out when you had posted. Mostly that you had a one byte "type" then the data, then next byte "type", and had got it reading the first thing it had found of a dict of <key,val>. I had abused your levelPacker.exe and the mono debugger to narrow down to only compressing specific things. As well as your TiltedEngine.dll was exposing all of its internal function names so I knew mostly what might be inside. Thanks for indulging in my fun, my brother bought it for me as a gift with the tag "we must storm the castle!" two days of play later I find myself poking around the level files... Hoping to see people with talent at map making create some awesome ones!

If for funsies you want a full copy of my (poorly written in a day or so) python unpacker I can PM you the info.

Also heads up for the level editor on why it wasn't working for me: apparently a conflict with a really old mono build I made long ago was mucking things up. mono-complete and libsdl2-2.0.0 was all I needed after fixing that.

Editor Discussion / Re: Map unpacker
« on: March 10, 2014, 06:00:38 PM »
Ok then, I will stay away from releasing my unpacker.

PS: love the level format for the most part, only question is why only store the file count in the pre-header and not filecount+sizes so that decompressing single files would be easier? (or filecount+offsets?)

Editor Discussion / Map unpacker
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:35:33 PM »
So, recently I got a little bored and wanted to see how a bit more of the internal map structure worked in the .hwm file format. As a result I was quickly able to make a unpacker that can unpack everything but some of the levels/*.xml.bin files. (still working on reversing those for fun)

My question about this though is that is there a particular reason to not have a levelUnpacker program? If there is valid interest and no good reasons against having a unpacker I would be willing to release it, but I don't want to step on anyones toes.

As a side note: chances of a recompile of the editor for linux?

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