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Messages - Matrix

Pages: [1]
Hammerwatch Discussion / Changelogs
« on: August 21, 2013, 03:02:27 PM »
It would be great if we could have the changelogs, maybe a news section with new version and changelogs, that would be great!

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Suggested Tweaks
« on: August 21, 2013, 03:00:58 PM »
Great points!

We also had issue with random quitting/purchasing. And local respawning must be reworked! I'd say no respawn as long as there's imminent danger could work too (maybe disable it for bosses though) as respawning in the midst of mobs or worse : in spike/other traps is really a pain. But the ghost idea would work pretty well too and be as easy to implement.

I would add a little something, it shouldn't happens often, but when you play at 3 or 4 players and you have no more life, and there's 2 dead : upon picking up a life, the first player in the list is resurrected. We had a sucky mage that kept dying as player 1, the only time our paladin died it took like 4 lifes to get him up as the mage kept dying and dying. Something along the line as when you pick the life, it goes to the one whose last resurrection was farthest in time, or dead timer is the longest.

As far as the drop or join in-game go, it would be pretty hard to balance. The easiest solution I see would be not saving the characters leaving and when a new character join let him have 80% of total gold amassed (so it would effectively cost you 20% of the gold for the option to respec your character/change class.

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