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Messages - TheRaptor28

Pages: [1]
Editor Discussion / Re: Editor Shadows Problem
« on: July 15, 2014, 02:06:28 PM »
OK, so, I did some testing and I think I figured it out.
The problem was indeed with Hammersprite shadow coordinates: if you look them on a X-Y chart the shape has a clockwise direction while the shadows of the original doodads have a counterclockwise direction.
I just needed to invert the coordinates order to make them work :)

Thank you for your help, I hope that's useful :D

Editor Discussion / Editor Shadows Problem
« on: July 14, 2014, 03:39:04 PM »
Hi everyone :D
I just started using the HammerWatch Level Editor and it seems to have a problem with doodads shadows.
I wanted to try to use custom tiles and sprites so I took some from Pokémon Emerald and set them up with Hammersprite.
That's what I came up with:
Spoiler for Hiden:

The only problem is that when I run the game it looks like this:
Spoiler for Hiden:

So, what happens to the shadows? Everyting else is fine, I tried running other levels and they work as they should.
This is the XML of the houses:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Code: [Select]
<doodad ao="false">
<sprite random-start="false" scale="16">
<origin>48 79</origin>
<frame>1867 17 81 79</frame>
<collision static="true" shoot-through="false">
<point>32 0</point>
<point>-48 0</point>
<point>-48 -59</point>
<point>32 -59</point>
<polygon collision="false" shadow="true">
<point>32 0</point>
<point>32 -63</point>
<point>24 -63</point>
<point>24 -79</point>
<point>-40 -79</point>
<point>-40 -63</point>
<point>-48 -63</point>
<point>-48 -1</point>
<point>-48 0</point>

Hope you guys can help me :(

Pages: [1]