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Topics - Lomaxx

Pages: [1]
Hammerwatch Discussion / Proposal: "Retry"-button for custom maps/modes
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:59:14 PM »
At the moment i am trying hard to ruin my mood by struggling with survival mode on hard difficulty. I know, i know ... that's my own fault. ;)

What I noticed is that I greatly miss a retry-mechanism that quickly let's you restart a game with a custom-map, a certain character and a certain modifier-setup. It's pretty annoying to have to set that up on every retry. Especially if you are already angry about dying because of your own fault or some unfair situation (which often occurs in survival-mode).
 The retry-button could appear in the menu when pressing ESC and after you died.

Hammerwatch Discussion / campaign 2 / boss 1: Dune Sharks strategy?
« on: September 22, 2014, 11:04:11 AM »
I just fought the first boss of the second campaign while playing a thief on normal difficulty. My best attempt so far was to beat him after losing four lives. I replayed the arena ~3 times and tried to figure out something like a tactic.
 Mine so far is to run left or right at the starting position, staying out of the sandtrap-circles and when ever a dune shark shows up, grapple to it (left or right) and hit it. But while being able to avoid damage to some extend, i still get hit and die a couple of times.

So far i can not recognize a real pattern in their attacks and thus find a pleasing tactic. Is there one? I can cope with the loss of 4 lives since you get more back right after the fight, but the way i currently fight it feals a bit 'meh'.

Bug Reports / Little GFX-bug
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:45:28 PM »
I just noticed while playing the armory (campaign 1) that some wall-decoration (crossed swords) is shown above the character (covering it) instead below/behind it. I was playing the thief.

Another very,very,very slight gfx-flaw: The animation of the thief is a bit inconsistend. When moving down or down-right the daggers/arms are 'wiggling', while in any other direction they are static.

I hope feature-requests are welcome in this subforum.

Sometimes when leaving an episode i wonder if i collected all planks. Would be nice if the mapmode would show how many you gathered so far.

Bug Reports / Slight map-/gameplaybug in campaign 1
« on: September 17, 2014, 10:40:57 AM »
You can

- play up to level 3 behind the first goldkey-door and trigger the first bossdoor-switch on the way in level 2
- then go back to level 1 take the teleporter there to level 3, open the secret room with treasures and the alternative first bossdoor-switch
- after that play onward to the second bossdoor-switch
- and finally open the endboss-door without having triggered the third bossdoor-switch which is behind the golddoor near bossdoor. Only 2 of the three runes at the door will be lit. Seems like the game just counts how many switches have been pressed (3) and not which ones.

However it would be a bit sad if that option to make some money by going all the way back to the teleporter and opening the treasure-room would be prohibited as i consider it sort of a secret/tactic. ;) Maybe just change the bossdoor-trigger-system.

Bug Reports / Savegame of old version with the new one changes class
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:13:20 PM »
Yesterday i played as Ranger and exit/saved the game. Today, after updating the game on Steam, I play as Wizard when i load that savegame. =D Not much of a problem in my case as it was no extra-ordinary difficulty i chose. And i am 100% sure i chose the correct savegame as there is only one savegame at the moment.

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