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Topics - Pyrodioxide

Pages: [1]
Editor Discussion / Editor (multiple users) function
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:00:44 PM »
Hey Hammerwatch community!

I am back from my (very long) summer break and have resumed my work on my own campaign as of this week. :)
Since it is starting to become a big project I am teaching a friend of mine how to use the editor so he can help me with this.

I know this is currently not possible through the editor, but I would love to work on the same level simultaneously.
Currently he is working on different levels while I support him on skype and work on another level/portion.

I know it is a long shot, but maybe someone knows/has a way around this?
Or this functionality could be added to the editor of HW2 or the upcoming Serious Sam Bogus Detour game.

Just random thoughts I felt like sharing.

Kind regards,


Editor Discussion / Jukebox script
« on: April 28, 2015, 04:36:35 PM »
I hope this is the right place to post this ;-) (First post)

So basicly: I made a hit detection script that adds 1 to a variable which is then checked and triggers the matching playmusic script
Example: hit object -> add 1 to variable --> Check variable; on true; equal to 3 --> playmusic

When equal to 5 it sets the value at 0, effectively resetting the jukebox.
The current number of songs the jukebox plays is 5, but theoretically you could make that any number.

TL;DR Jukebox script! (Have not seen it yet, so made it for all of you to use/edit)
Included the script below


Post scriptum:

Ever since I played rpc190's Hexen: Beyond Hammerwatch campaign I have been lurking on this forum.
I really enjoyed Hexen back in the day and thought its execution was beyond awesome and shortly after decided to pick up the editor myself.(about 3 weeks ago)

I saw that many of the custom maps I have played through the workshop were made by the awesome people of this forum. (thank you)

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