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Topics - Flemse

Pages: [1]
Editor Discussion / Alt + Left click on a doodad
« on: July 31, 2017, 08:23:22 PM »
Hi! I discovered that alt + left clicking on an doodad placed on the stage highlights the type of doodad you have clicked in the doodad list, so you can id what it's called. It works for items, characters and scriping as well. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, so I thought I'd share it here.

Editor Discussion / Test in hard difficulty?
« on: July 12, 2017, 10:22:37 PM »
Can you change the difficulty when testing? I'm trying to test some hard features, but I can't figure out how to change the difficulty when testing.

Editor Discussion / Good/bad ending?
« on: March 21, 2016, 09:16:03 PM »
We have been trying to figure out how to add good/bad ending deping on you getting an item or not, but can't figure it out. Anyone know how to add goo/bad ending?

A custom Hammerwatch campaign in 2 acts, featuring a prologue, an epilogue, custom monsters, custom themes, custom mini-boss, traps, secrets, puzzles, a custom boss fight and an 8-bit custom soundtrack by Pantera, Megadeth, Man-o-War and friends.

• Playtime any%: 1½ - 2½ hours.
• Playtime 100%: 2½ - 5 hours.
• Difficulty: Medium to Hard (Extra hard on hard difficulty)
• Recommended players: 2-4

Latest version: Dungeon of Doom 2.2.4

We hope you want to try this new version of Dungeon of Doom we have been working on for some time now.. The campaign is now almost 3 times the original lenght and we have added tons of custom stuff. Don't be shy to tell us what you think :)

We have one huge issue; The music starts to loop over the music from the previous levels at some point. This we can't fix nomatter what we try, but we hope one of the pros here might take a look at it, and tell us what we are doing wrong.

Also, credit goes out to the Pirates Cove and DingoVania crews for letting us use some of their assets, we appreciate it!

Anyway, we hope you enjoy the campaign :)

Editor Discussion / Make spawned monster follow path
« on: October 16, 2015, 03:35:55 PM »
I can see in the defense map, that you can somehow link the spawn object script to the actor node of the moveAI script, but I can only make it attach to an actor. Does anyone know how to attach the spawn object script instead of an actor?

Editor Discussion / Custom vendors
« on: October 05, 2015, 08:49:14 PM »
I'm having some trouble creating a custom vendor. I'm trying to create a vendor that only holds one custom item, which should enable a flag on the item I have made. I've already made it as a pickup, and the GUI works as intended, but I can't figure out how to put it in a vendor.

Any help is much appreciated.

Editor Discussion / Custom potions?
« on: July 27, 2015, 06:57:23 PM »
I'm trying to make a new type of potion, but I'm having some trouble. Anyone know what xml file holds the potion info?

Editor Discussion / Editor preview images
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:33:39 PM »
Hey guys, I really like the editor, but I would love to have a preview of the selected item in the list. Right now, you have to place the asset on the scene and see what it is, which can get very tedious. Could you possibly add such a feature? I would love to have it as a feature in the HammerEditor, but if that's not possible, it would be great if you would consider it for Serious Sam BD.

Custom Maps / [CAMPAIGN] Dungeon of Doom V1.1.2
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:43:41 AM »
A slightly customized Hammerwatch scenario, featuring a prologue, traps, secrets, a basement, light puzzles, a boss fight and an 8-bit custom soundtrack by Pantera.

•   Playtime: 40-50 mins.
•   Difficulty: Medium
•   Recommended players: 1-4

This is my first map, be gentle  :)

Update 1.1.1: Added a prologue with some custom sprites and sounds and fixed some bugs.

Editor Discussion / Valuables bug
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:57:51 PM »
I get this strange bug when I try to place coins on the floor, that turns them into flames when I start the game. See attached imgs.

Anyone knows why I'm getting this?

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