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Topics - Psyborg

Pages: [1]
Editor Discussion / What is "ao"?
« on: August 25, 2013, 06:26:45 AM »
What does ao=true/false, and aobias=0.? mean in reference to doodads?

Editor Discussion / Adding Sounds Not Working
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:26:28 PM »
I've been trying to add sounds for a while now, with no luck.

It seems simple enough: Put the .wav file in campaign\sounds, copy and edit misc.xml to add a new sound definition.

This is what I added in misc.xml (in mycampaign\sounds):

<sound name="itemgrab">
      <source res="sound/se/itempickup.wav" />

The sound file, as indicated in itempickup.wav and it is located in mycampaign\sounds\se

This is the error I get when loading the editor:

Notice how it's looking for the sound in a place that I never specified...and I have no idea why. From my perspective, I've done it exactly how Linaru did it for his Grayfall map...

Any ideas?

Editor Discussion / [Tutorial] How to Make a Delayed Action
« on: August 21, 2013, 10:59:54 PM »
I was wondering how to make an action that would be delayed after the initial trigger is activated. This is important for tasks that may have a time limit. It is also may be necessary in certain cases to create frame animations. So here is how to do that:

In this case, we are playing a delayed sound after a trigger is hit.

A- This is the AreaTrigger I used for a RectangleArea (not shown).

B- A ToggleElement node, which is activated by the AreaTrigger (CTRL-ALT) and performs it's action (ENABLE) on C (Button-linked)

C- A TimerTrigger, which (and this is important) is DISABLED initially. The ToggleElement will enable the TimerTrigger, which begins its timer.

Set the frequency for the initial delay, and you may have it repeat as many times as you want, but it will not start until the initial trigger (i.e. AreaTrigger) is activated.

D- The action that the TimerTrigger activates (CTRL-ALT) once it is enabled by the ToggleElement. In this case, a sound is played shortly after the AreaTrigger is activated. This action can be anything, or even another long script.

Editor Discussion / Good Graphics Tool?
« on: August 20, 2013, 04:27:03 PM »
So I am using a version of Paintshop Pro that is, I'm not exaggerating, at least a decade old.

It can only assign transparency to .PNGs if they are 256 color, for some reason. I've run into really weird color glitches and transparency problems when loading/saving graphics files for Hammerwatch.

Can anyone recommend a decent (free) graphics/paint tool?

Editor Discussion / Editing Strings
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:54:31 AM »
Is it possible to edit the strings in english.xml?

I tried editing english.xml (act names, boss names, etc) in the language folder.
I copied the language folder to my campaign folder in the editor tree.
I packed up the level and tried it in the regular game, but the string changes didn't seem to have taken effect. All the info.xml data did though.

It's possible I don't know how to pack levels correctly though, I simply dragged the folder of the game onto LevelPacker, then copied it to the main levels folder.

Hammerwatch Discussion / Save File Management?
« on: August 16, 2013, 03:13:03 AM »
I'm wondering if there's a way to rename save files, to keep track of solo games vs. multiplayer games with certain people, etc.

Do games get saved only when you step on a checkpoint?

Edit: Just answered my first question, I found where the save files are kept and managed to rename the one I wanted to remember. In the future, will you be able to name saves when you start the game, instead of it creating a new one every time you hit a checkpoint?

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