Author Topic: Adding Sounds Not Working  (Read 5536 times)


  • Posts: 23
  • Maggot Crusher.
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Adding Sounds Not Working
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:26:28 PM »
I've been trying to add sounds for a while now, with no luck.

It seems simple enough: Put the .wav file in campaign\sounds, copy and edit misc.xml to add a new sound definition.

This is what I added in misc.xml (in mycampaign\sounds):

<sound name="itemgrab">
      <source res="sound/se/itempickup.wav" />

The sound file, as indicated in itempickup.wav and it is located in mycampaign\sounds\se

This is the error I get when loading the editor:

Notice how it's looking for the sound in a place that I never specified...and I have no idea why. From my perspective, I've done it exactly how Linaru did it for his Grayfall map...

Any ideas?


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Re: Adding Sounds Not Working
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2013, 10:54:48 PM »
What happens if you create a new sound xml, instead of using the misc one, might work better.

Are you doing this in your own level folder or in our assets folder?


  • Posts: 23
  • Maggot Crusher.
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Re: Adding Sounds Not Working
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2013, 11:07:45 PM »
What happens if you create a new sound xml, instead of using the misc one, might work better.

Are you doing this in your own level folder or in our assets folder?

I've tried creating a new sound definition xml file, with the same effect.

I placed misc.xml in Hammerwatch\editor\MyCampaignFolder\sound. The sounds are in Hammerwatch\editor\MyCampaignFolder\sound\se

I've also noticed that my edits to minimap.png go un-effective as well...however I was able to edit hud.png and have that take effect in I'm not sure what the issue is with certain files being read, and certain ones not.