Im quite new to HammerWatch and its editor. Bought it just some days ago.
First problem i encountered was, that the editor wont run my levels.
I figured out that some files are missing an i should copy them frome the editor/examples folder.
But there is no examples folder
So i was stuck a bit but the forums could help.
Its quite dissapointing and demotivating if i had to do so much things outside the editor.
I know from several programming editors such as comodo or sublime that they have projects. In comodo their are several files that come with a new project.
Here is my feature request:How about adding a "new campaign" option to the file menu that asks for a name and creates the folder with the nessesary files? Should be quite simple, or?
Maybe you could also add a tools option to compile a campaign folder to a file for live game.
I would like to see the posibility to create/save/open campaigns and have a tab where i can select/add/remove levels to or from the campaign. From this tab you choose edit to edit a specific level and maybe you can handle custom assets from this tab. That would be a bigger change, but i think it would be worth doing it.