This isn't the same request as
Gimlao's thread.
What I'd really like to see is a way to differentiate players of the same class by color. I've two suggestions, either of wich I think would be great.
A) Choice to pick a characters color along with the class before starting a game. Also, if you happen to join a game where there is already a character of the same class, it would automatically change your player color to the next alternate color or something similar to Gimlao's suggestion but only be prompted to select your alternate color one time when you join the game.
B) Another option is that Player One always defaults to the class default color, Player Two always defaults to "alternate color 2", Player 3 to "alternate color 3" and so on.
It gets kind of confusing when I play with my friend and we're both Paladin's or when another Paladin joins the game and I can't tell my friend apart from the stranger.
It would be really nice to have a differentiation of some sort. Pretty please and thank you!