[SOURCE]To play atm, use the first ranger variation. But there's really no gameplay, it's just in a testing phaseHaving a little spare time, I figured I should make my own level and put up on the workshop, to give people something more to play and also provide the source to that level, for others to continue and/or change, whatever.
I figured I should do something different, just to show that you can do other themes than just the standard HW/Fantasy thing. HW is still pretty limited when it comes to certain modding aspects, like that you can't change the classes and so, but I figured I could do a tank or boat game, but I eventually landed in this space theme.
Simple story:You play as Jay Dyllan, the space ace (and his friends if cooping). Your mission is to destroy the huge enemy battle station located in the region. It's gonna be a difficult task, since you are the only survivor in the friendly fleet.
Gameplay:The basic idea here is to collect resources until you are strong enough to battle the enemy base, there will be only one main level so you will be able to just fly to the base directly and die.
Enemies will be other space ships, towers and bases.
Currency used will be scrap metal collected by killing enemy ships, destroying asteroids and liberating space stations.
Upgrades will be much more frequent than in HW, but will boost much less.
Skills, since the core of the skills can't be changed, they will be tweaked heavily and also, the graphics will ofc change. E.g. bombs from the ranger will be mines instead.
Classes will be the regular ones, but reskinned as small space ship, skills will be tweaked and get new grapics. First, the focus should be the ranger and when the game play is solid, introduce more.
* Other things might be that you could enter some planets to find resources, to introduce the keys like some rare metals, like in the desert campaign, that you will use to upgrade vendors.
Completely top down:The angle here is from straight above, compared to HW wich is a bit tilted. It should be much easier to produce graphical content and fits the gameplay much better.
I was thinking that this could be a community thing too, so if some one would like to contribute space ships, bases and planets, please do! I will constantly release the source too, if someone would like to make their own space game, or change it into something else, or just look how things are made.