In the editor whenever I tested my map it worked fine so I used the Levelpacked.exe and finished my map. I put it in the levels/workshop folder. My plan was to play it with my friends, so I tested it first in single player first and when I hit launch the game crashed. It creates and error file that I tried to understand but I wasn't able to. I was wondering if someone could help me get my level working?
The Error it gave me
--- UNHANDLED EXCEPTION - 16/08/2014 11:02:43 PM - HMW 1.23 DEBUG ---
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at ARPGGame.LevelList.SetLevel(String id, Int32 startPointId, WorldNode world, MinimapObscurer mapObs) in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\LevelList.cs:line 120
at ARPGGame.GameBase.ClearLevel() in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\GameBase.cs:line 541
at ARPGGame.GameBase.Update(Int32 ms) in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\GameBase.cs:line 783
at ARPGGame.ARPGGame.OnUpdateFrame() in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\Program.cs:line 958
at ARPGGame.ARPGGame.Run() in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\Program.cs:line 557
at ARPGGame.Program.Main(String[] args) in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\Program.cs:line 193