The Hammerwatch expansion is finally released, it's a completely new campaign with new achievements and also updated menus and much more, below are the specific details.
* Temple of the Sun - Fully new desert campaign, with new themes, bosses, challenges etc.
* Added several new achievements for the desert campaign
* Added one for the completion of both campaigns
* Added faster (5x) mana-regen speed
* Rebalanced a few skills
* Skills do not cost money to use
* Thiefs skills costs more to buy
* Thief hits with both daggers
* Graphics when destroying projectiles
* Graphics when blocking projectiles
* Can't destroy projectiles
* Better looping
* Crossfading between tracks
* Added some small sprites for mana drain and slow effects, over the player. So it's easier to see when running w/o effects and lights
* Reworked several of the menus, they should all work in any of the selectable resolutions now.
* Better menu navigation
* Small help and info section, just some basic info for new players
* Added two more resolutions, one 4k and one super small
* Looked over some features, added a color switch button instead of clicking on the hero in the lobby
* Delete and Rename saved games
* Single and Multiplayer have different load menus and games are filtered
* More random backgrounds and you now see more of them, if anyone ever cared =)
* Logo is twice the resolution =)
* Rebalanced the auto-fire