Author Topic: Editor won't test levels - crashes  (Read 3611 times)


  • Posts: 79
  • Spike Dodger.
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Editor won't test levels - crashes
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:15:55 AM »
Opened up the editor after letting dust accumulate on it after a long time and tried to test out some of the new campaign levels and it crashed.

Code: [Select]
--- UNHANDLED EXCEPTION - 10/2/2014 2:07:47 AM - HMW 1.3 DEBUG ---
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at ARPGGame.GameBase.InitGame(Difficulty diff, GamePlayers players, String mod) in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\GameBase.cs:line 309
   at ARPGGame.GameBase.Initialize(GameControls controls, WorldDrawer worldDrawer, MenuDrawer menuDrawer, PhysicsSystem physics, Camera cam, StartParameters sp) in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\GameBase.cs:line 201
   at ARPGGame.ARPGGame.OnLoad() in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\Program.cs:line 876
   at ARPGGame.ARPGGame.Run() in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\Program.cs:line 458
   at ARPGGame.Program.Main(String[] args) in c:\Projects\ARPGProj\trunk\ARPG\ARPGGame\Program.cs:line 193

I also tried unpacking one of the levels from the workshop to open up and test out, crashes as well.  It seems to run just fine though when I open up the old example/ levels.

So I

  • Copied campaign2.hwm out of the Hammerwatch/ folder into the editor/ folder
  • Deleted all the old assets folders and copied the new assets.bin into the editor/ folder
  • Ran ResourceExtractor on the new assets.bin
  • Ran ResourceExtractor map on campaign2.hwm
  • Opened up campaign2/levels in the HammerwatchEditor and tried to "test" a few of them

Tried the same with the old campaign, and Hammersouls (hey, I was curious lol).

« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 07:24:19 AM by Kashlavor »
Starting work on the Lair of the Archnecromantrix, a Hammerwatch campaign!


  • Posts: 79
  • Spike Dodger.
    • View Profile
Re: Editor won't test levels - crashes
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 07:28:41 AM »
Huh, interesting problem you're having Kashlavor, did you check inside the unpacked level's directories?


Why yes I did, and discovered the secret.  It seems that the ResourceExtractor does not unpack the info.xml and icon.png which seem to be necessary for running the game, even testing levels.

Thanks for the quick reply!

(Lol, figured it out.  Would be nice if you guys added that in to the ResourceExtractor)

Also I noticed that the trusty old example/ folder is no longer in the assets.bin, would be nice if it got added back in.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 07:30:46 AM by Kashlavor »
Starting work on the Lair of the Archnecromantrix, a Hammerwatch campaign!