It's been some time since I first started Hammerwatch, enjoying myself with a Wizard in Hard Difficulty.
I finally decided to try some other class, and begun a journey with a thief. But I found strange the fact that I had a lot of HP (40) and even that my mana regenerated itself since I was confident about the fact I started the game in Hard Difficulty.
So I checked myself, restarted a new game in Hard, tryed many classes, and always found it too easy in comparison of my party with my Wizard.
And then I started a new game in Hard with a Wizard, and found myself having 35 HP at the start instead of 1 in my Hard mode party.
I checked many times, the game indeed start in Medium instead of Hard for every new game after the first I've made.
I played it on my Mac at first, but went on my HP under Archlinux to give it a try, and on it I can't even have a single party in Hard, they all set themselves in Medium Difficulty.
So that's it, quite frustrating to not been able to get some serious challenge, the Medium Mode feel like a child play in comparison of the Hard one ;'(