Author Topic: [Release] Hammerwatch German Translation / Deutsche Übersetzung  (Read 9950 times)


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  • Maggot Crusher?
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This is the german translation for Hammerwatch.

I have translated all strings in the game that I could, there are some missing strings that I couldn't find.
This is not the final version, because I'm still not happy with some sentences and will try to get them better.
Should someone have some suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them.

Installation Instructions:
Just extract the attached file to your Hammerwatch directory. You'll need 7zip to extract the file.
The location would be "..\steam\steamapps\common\hammerwatch"


Das ist die deutsche Übersetzung von Hammerwatch.

Ich habe alle Strings übersetzt, die ich konnte, aber leider gibts da ein paar Strings, die ich nicht finden konnte.
Das ist nicht die finale Version, da ich mit manchen Sätzen noch nicht glücklich bin und versuchen werde, sie zu verbessern.
Falls jemand Verbesserungsvorschläge hat, wäre ich froh, sie zu hören.

Einfach die angehängte Datei mit 7zip ins Hammerwatch-Verszeichnis extrahieren.
Der Ordner ist hier zu finden: "..\steam\steamapps\common\hammerwatch"

Have fun and good loot / Viel Spaß und Gut Loot


Edit: I've just found out how to align some misaligned text and how to add strings, so I've updated the archive.

Edit #2: Added v0.9c where I replaced "Du" with "Ihr". / v0.9c hinzugefügt, wo "Du" mit "Ihr" ersetzt wurde.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 02:23:48 PM by Schattenfix »
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  • Posts: 5
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Re: [Release] Hammerwatch German Translation / Deutsche Übersetzung
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2016, 12:00:50 PM »
Hello, I used your translation patches, feeling good, I want to make a Chinese translation of the patch, but not, do not display text. Why? The game does not support UTF-8??? Or because of the lack of character of the problem?

e="m.plr1">Spieler 1</string>
   <string name="m.plr2">Spieler 2</string>
   <string name="m.plr3">Spieler 3</string>
   <string name="m.plr4">Spieler 4</string>

   <string name="">Spielen</string>
   <string name="m.singlep">sing-单人模式-lep.</string>
   <string name="m.multip">Mehrsp.</string>
   <string name="m.options">Optionen</string>
   <string name="m.credits">Abspann</string>
   <string name="">Hilfe</string>
   <string name="m.quit">Ende</string>

“单人模式”  ==  “singlep”


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Re: [Release] Hammerwatch German Translation / Deutsche Übersetzung
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2016, 05:45:29 PM »
The fonts we use just don't have those characters. You could replace the fonts, but I don't even know if its doable to make such small (6 pixels i think) chinese fonts?


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Re: [Release] Hammerwatch German Translation / Deutsche Übersetzung
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2016, 07:10:16 PM »
The fonts we use just don't have those characters. You could replace the fonts, but I don't even know if its doable to make such small (6 pixels i think) chinese fonts?

If I now and a font file, what should I do? How to write code?


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Re: [Release] Hammerwatch German Translation / Deutsche Übersetzung
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2016, 11:39:01 AM »
Using this tool:

You would create replacement fonts for the ones we have, and just overwrite the ones we use.
If you drag and drop the assets.bin file on the ResourceExtractor.exe you can go in to the assets folder and replace assets/menus/px-10 and assets/menus/px-20


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Re: [Release] Hammerwatch German Translation / Deutsche Übersetzung
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2016, 06:05:09 PM »
Thank you very much :)
I just used the ResourceExtractor tool to dig through the files and was happy that I only had to change the text, as I don't have any skill  to edit the resource bitmaps.
I added some 'string name' lines for better clarity in the menu and help screens, and nothing more^^
Sorry for not being helpful...

Hopefully Myran's tips will be of more help for you, good luck with your translation and squeezing the chinese letters in the tiny spaces!
They're coming outta the walls!