Bosses are hardcoded in the engine, so there is no reason to use any bosses in the game if not to use one of their attacks (if I remember well enough, Act 2's boss_knight's
strike and Act 3's boss_lich's
tele-strike). Everything else can be recreated with either scripts or composites.
- First set the behavior to composite
<actor behavior="composite">
- Then set the type of movement, wich will dictate how actively the AI will aproach the player.
Melee gets as close as possible before executing a skill.
<dictionary name="movement">
<string name="type">melee</string>
<float name="speed">1</float>
Ranged is more passive, getting close just enough to cast a skill.
<dictionary name="movement">
<string name="type">ranged</string>
<float name="speed">1</float>
<float name="range">1</float>
Passive stays still.
<dictionary name="movement">
<string name="type">passive</string>
<bool name="set-dir">true</bool>
- And in the end, add the skills
here is a topic with a list of all skills avaiable - also read comments for other ones that were missed by the op).
Let me give you all an advice:
The most important thing to note before making a nice enemy is to imagine how the player will act when facing the enemy.
Let me give you an example:
In my mod, HammerSouls, the boss "Trolling Noobs" is a composite set as melee but casting spew. This creates a totally different aproach to the mechanics, where the player is used to expect casters to cast a skill from 3 units away rather than 0 units, wich is how close this boss gets to the player before casting spew - this makes most players take damage from 2 units, and since it's a spew, they take way more damage if they flee in a straight line.